Steamworks was the name for the 2017 FRC competition.  Here is a brief overview of of the challenge:

STEAMWORKS is a Steampunk themed game designed for the 2017 FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).  It is played by two Alliances of three Teams each.  Alliances work as adventure clubs from an era in which  technology relied on steam power to prepare their airships for the ultimate long distance race.

Each alliance prepares to take flight in three ways:
  1. Build Steam Pressure by collecting fuel represented by green balls.  They score it in high and low goals in their boiler. As fuel is scored steam pressure in the tank on the alliance’s airship builds – the high goal builds pressure faster than the low goal.
  2. Start Rotors.  Robots retrieve and deliver gears to pilots on their airship who then install them on the appropriate rotor. Once a gear train is complete the rotor can bestarted.
  3. Prepare for Flight. Adventure clubs want their robots to climb aboard their airships so they can assist the pilots during the race.
The games starts with a 15 second Autonomous Period.  During that time robots operate independently using
preprogrammed instructions.  Robots score points by doing any of the following:
  • Reaching their baseline
  • Delivering gears to the airship
  • Scoring fuel into the boiler

During the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the match, called the Teleop Period, robots are controlled remotely by student drivers located behind the walls at the ends of the Field.  Teams on an Alliance work together on the following tasks:

  • Collecting and delivering gears to their airship
  • Scoring fuel in the boilers
  • Climbing the ropes on their airship to prepare for flight
  • Populating gear trains to start rotors
  • Defending against the other Adventure Clubs (Alliance)
The password to decrypt the game manual is &Full$eam^Ahead!

You can find a copy of the game manual (4-Jan-2017 version) here.